
inContext podcast artwork

Theology of Work + Jonah Podcast

My short article for the Theology of Work Commentary, "David's Rape of Bathsheba and Murder of Uriah" went live today.  From their website: "The vision of the Theology…
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The King and the Land by Stephen Russell

Stephen Russell's new book, The King and the Land: A Geography of Royal Power in the Biblical World (Oxford, 2016), discusses the various ways the rulers of Israel and Judah used…
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The Historical Writings

"It sets the standard for a new generation of introductions to the Bible." This endorsement comes from Mark Boda (McMaster Divinity College) about The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical…
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Prostitutes and Polygamists on Sale

There's a sale on now of Prostitutes and Polygamists (the book, not the people). The eBook version of Prostitutes and Polygamists is on sale for only $3.99 (a…
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Of Kings and Prophets: Canceled

Like the dynasty of Saul it portrayed, the ABC TV show based on the books of 1, 2 Samuel Of Kings and Prophets was cut short, canceled after only two…
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Hiking Oyster Dome

Recently, I was in Bellingham, Washington taping two courses for Logos Bible Software. For the sake of video consistency while taping each course, I needed to wear the…
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