New Testament

David speaking on Lowly Servants, Holy Saints

Recent sermon and two podcasts

I spoke recently at Calvary Church on "Lowly Servants, Holy Saints" from Philippians 1:1-2. Check it out here (about 30 minutes), or here: I've also spoken on a…
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David speaking on Lowly Servants, Holy Saints

Lowly Servants, Holy Saints

Here's my recent sermon, "Lowly Servants, Holy Saints" on Philippians 1:1-2, preached at Calvary Church of Souderton on May 5, 2024. My main point: Servants and saints share…
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Dave in Liberia

On Saturday (April 8) at 1:00 am I was picked up by Moses, the LIFES (= Liberia International Fellowship of Evangelical Students) staff-worker, and his family.  Shannon joined…
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A Dream Come True

Do you ignore your dreams? Christmas is a good season to pay attention to them. Do you know where the highest concentration of dreams occurs in the Bible?…
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Responses to Jesus II: Friends

How loyal are your friends? Have they ever hurt you, let you down, or perhaps even betrayed you? If you've been disappointed by someone close to you, then…
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Responses to Jesus I: Enemies

I was preaching at a church this past weekend, Palm Sunday, and was given five texts to preach from in 10 minutes.  It was an Episcopal church, they cover…
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“But some doubted” (Matthew 28:17)

Immediately before Jesus gives his final words to his disciples, perhaps his most famous address, often called The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), the text includes a curious phrase.…
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Good Stories Bear Repeating

I received an email from a friend a few days ago.  She asked about the duplication and repetition in Scripture, specifically why there were two versions of the…
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Jerusalem: The Biography

No other city of the world has been at the center of history for four millenia. Abraham almost sacrificed his son Isaac there (Gen. 22). Adoni-bezek lost his thumbs and…
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Unfollowers by Cooper and Cyzewski

 In 1985, when I was a grad student in Industrial Engineering at Stanford, I took a course on Organizational Death. Why do companies fail, and what lessons can…
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Lincoln would be 205 today

Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809.  If he weren't assassinated and didn't die for any other reason, he'd be 205 today. In the Old Testament, my field, people…
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With-us-God (Psalm 46)

In Jesus, God was with his people. In the Old Testament, God was with his people. In the present time, God is with his people. Here are a…
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Need a speaker?

Do you need a speaker for a conference, a seminar, a retreat, a class, a sermon?  Yes, I'm available, but if for whatever reason I'm not the person…
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