Do you need a speaker for a conference, a seminar, a retreat, a class, a sermon?
Yes, I’m available, but if for whatever reason I’m not the person you’re looking for, Rachel Held Evans has compiled a list of amazing speakers (the human kind, not like those pictured). Check out her list of 101 great speakers here. You may want to know that these amazing speakers are all women.
If you know a great female speaker, add her name to the list. I added my favorite speaker, male or female, Shannon Lamb (who has also given birth to my two sons, I may be biased).
Last time I checked there were 225 comments to this blog post.
Personally, I love listening to gifted female speakers. I have a lot to learn from both women and men. God speaks to me through them. I get to hear from a lot of men preachers, speakers, teachers, but not enough women.
My wife taught Sunday School at church this past Sunday. What does it mean for God to be with us?
She helped us reflect on longing for God, his presence, his incarnation. She contrasted the attitude toward the incarnation from the prayer to “8-pound, 6-ounce, Baby Jesus” by Ricky Bobby’s in Talladega Nights with that of these wheel-chair playing basketball players from this Guinness commercial (be prepared to be moved):