I love talking to people who love God and love the word of God about God’s emotions. I’ve had the opportunity to chat recently with Michael Easley for his inContext podcast, and with Travis Fleming for his Apollos Watered podcast. Check out these discussions of The Emotions of God:

Michael Easley inContext
Apple podcasts (41 minutes, audio only)
Your inContext interview on Youtube (45 minutes, audio and video).

Travis Fleming Apollos Watered
David T. Lamb playlist/clips for sharing (How to Waste a Stanford Education, 5 min; The God of the Bible is SO Emotional, 3 min; Making Sense of God’s Emotions, 80 minutes) Audio and Video
YouTube Full conversation
Episode #187 Part 1 (audio) (48 minutes)
Episode #188 Part 2 (audio) (48 minutes)